Monday, May 9, 2011

Family Night Startup, Part 3

We continue with Laws V, VI, and VII this week.  First, let's review the first four laws from "Teaching to Change Lives" by Dr. Howard Hendricks.  He explains seven laws of teaching that are extremely valuable to every parent who hopes to impress God's truth onto the hearts of their precious children.

I. The Law of the Teacher
The effective parent-teacher is a student among students.
II. The Law of Education
The effective parent-teacher realizes that the way people learn determines how you teach.
III. The Law of Activity
Maximum learning is always the result of maximum involvement.
IV. The Law of Communication
To truly impart information requires the building of bridges.

V. The Law of the Heart
Teaching that impacts is not only head-to-head but also heart-to-heart. Deut. 6 explains that heart-to-heart teaching is really life-to-life teaching. Jesus was the Master at this! His method was, and still is, simply ingenious:

I do 
I do with you 
You do with me 
You do

Jesus never asked the disciples to do something He had not already done Himself. Let's look at prayer. Jesus prayed all night to God before He chose His disciples (Luke 6:12). Mark 3:14 explains: "And He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him." We could call this the ministry of "Witness." Jesus was almost always making sure the disciples were with Him. That is why, after being with their Master for extended periods and seeing Jesus pray, they finally had to ask, "Lord, teach us to pray." And, teach them, He did — life-to-life. Herein lies the modeling and accountability aspect.

A. I do - during Family Nights, you explain the desired Godly behavior, attitude, discipline or principle. You give real examples in your life about how you applied what you have taught. Then, from that night on, you have made your children more aware of the principle and they will watch what you do! They will listen and watch to see if you modeled the principle.

B. I do with you / You do with me - Since Family Night teaches the formal and sets up the informal, the world your children live in becomes their classroom to test and apply these principles. As your child confronts a situation and discusses it with you, you can walk him/her through the application of the principle. Then, when they are confronted with the same or similar situation, they will apply the principle and come to tell you about it.

VI. The Law of Encouragement
Teaching tends to be most effective when the learner is properly motivated. Nothing motivates quite like affirmation. The wisest man who ever lived, Solomon, knew this. "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it." Dads and Moms, you've got the power. Work hard at catching your children doing well. When you see or hear of those times, underscore them and praise them. Help children see themselves as God sees them, build them up. Conversely, sarcasm and cut-downs can destroy and cause children to mistrust and be quiet.

Family Nights provide the opportunity to draw out daily actions/decisions your children have made and praise them. Every chance we have to honor one or all of our children for living what they learn, we should do it. They will also let you know when they have done well because they desire praise. You will not lack the opportunity!  The key is to follow through and do it!

We will continue next week with Family Night Startup, Part 4, the final segment in this series. We want to recommend the resources of Heritage Builders and their Family Night starter kit which will be available in the faith@home center soon.  Until then, click on the following link to learn more about launching your own Family Night:  Family Nights Explained 

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