Thursday, November 29, 2012

Needs vs. Wants

Needs vs. Wants

There is a difference between needs and wants.  Gather around a table, and place a glass of cold water in front of each family member.  In the center of the table, place a glass filled with a soft drink.  Ask what life would be like without soft drinks. Then ask what life would be like without water.  Ask everyone to take a drink of their water then discuss:  What is the difference between water and soft drinks? (Water doesn't taste as good; water is a need, soft drinks are wants.) If you had to choose between unlimited water for a week, or one six-pack of soft drink, which would you choose?  Share:  We can survive without soft drinks because our bodies don't need them to keep us alive.  But if we didn't have water we couldn't survive.   

This is the difference between needs and wants.  Have each person draw a picture of things they touch or use in a typical day (beds, clothes, food, toys, books, etc.)  Circle the ones that are needs.  Remember to explain that what some people consider to be a "need" could be considered a luxury to someone in a different socioeconomic situation.  Discuss:  If you had a limited amount of money to spend, and you owned nothing, which things on your list would you buy first? (A bed, house, clothing.)  What does this tell us about the way we spend our money? (Most is spent on "wants"; we really don't have many things we have to buy.)  Share:  A wise spender doesn't use all of his money for "wants" or luxuries before taking care of the needs.   

To be wise spenders, we must first take care of the things that are most important, and then we can think about buying some of the things that are "wants."  Close in prayer thanking God for His provision in providing for the family and taking care of our needs, and asking for wisdom in using money the best way possible to live a life glorifying to Him.

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